As Malouf writes, ‘[Priam] saw that what was new could also be pleasurable'. This is in comparison with the end of the film when we see the two of them walking down the hallway together, out into the garden as equal. Once you’ve identified the themes, use the notes you’ve made on context, plot, significant events and language, to help support your interpretation. I was suddenly very overwhelmed and all I wanted to do was spit out my last two essays and get out of that hall. Further, through a degree of compassion, Priam is able to touch the “sore spot whose ache he has long repressed” in Achilles, a symbol of the emotions that have been supressed by the dominant patriarchal nature of this society. I'm so confident that this study guide will be able to help you improve your understanding of both texts and get you towards that A+ for your SAC and exams. Her face half-covered by the shadows stresses how her familial experience only occurs from afar as she prioritises her role as her highness. Her initial wardrobe represents her elegance and refinery whilst also communicating a degree of incompatibility with Jeff. The film portrays the tension between the bitter resentment of black South Africans towards their former oppressors, with the fear and uncertainty of white Afrikaners under Mandela’s political leadership. To begin, foundations are required: Remember: the better and sooner you engage with your text, the easier to write on it. Spend the first half of your essay focused on Article 1, then move into Article 2 for the second half of your essay (and, for those doing three articles, the later part of your essay based on Article 3). Assessors will be looking for key words that prove you are not merely discussing the texts separately in relation to the prompt, but that you are actually able to compare the texts. By drawing upon similarities and differences, we are enabled to gain a more profound comprehension of both texts. The enclosed frame of the door only serves to heighten her isolation from her family as she is pained by the ‘unrestrained intimacy and affection’ between the boys and their father, something she is unable to partake in. This is particularly important when it comes to essay writing, because you want to know that you're coming up with unique comparative points (compared to the rest of the Victorian cohort!). So, it shows that we've got the old and the new sort of coming together and sort of not really gelling. This way, you are constantly practicing how to ANALYSE complex ideas. - In one of the first scenes in Mandela’s office after he is elected President, Eastwood strategically frames the racial segregation and tension between the two groups via the mise-en-scene; they stand on separate sides of the room, wearing distinctly different clothing and calling Mandela either “Mr President” or “Madiba”, representative of their own identity. Seen in this light, we can understand Lisa’s overwhelming desire to marry and settle down with Jeff. Now, it’s time to elevate your analysis to the divine by understanding the text’s CONSTRUCTION: HOW significant events, significant people are portrayed, and what it all means. To explore the text BEYOND characters, themes and ideas, tackle the following criteria: In other words, this means the context in which the text was written. Australia Canada India. This gives us insight into a couple of different things. Released in the post-war period, the film is undoubtedly characterised by the interpersonal suspicion which defined the era. Up until Hector’s death, Priam has been removed from paternal experiences, a sad truth when he admits that his relationships with his children are merely ‘formal and symbolic,’ and a part of the ‘splendour and the ordeal of kingship'. However in Year 12, teachers and examiners expect students to focus on the author’s construction of the text. To learn more, head over to our full Ransom Study Guide (covers themes, characters, chapter summaries, quotes and more). Before getting into the nitty-gritty of the film, it is crucial to understand a bit about its historical context. Focus on the argument. Frears incorporates these clips to help provide viewers insight on the politics, media culture, and public reaction in 1997. This approach is a bit more complicated than the first and will definitely take practice, patience and perseverance to master. I think this is a great snapshot as well. How does the author create social commentary on humanity? However, in Year 12, what is more crucial is understanding what the character represents. In this, I show you film techniques that I pick out throughout watching the film, how to analyze them, and also then go on to show you how they are used in A-plus essays. Both texts are rich narratives on their own, but they are also strongly grounded in historical events that you may not have studied in great depth and which significantly influence the plot and characters’ actions – this is especially relevant when discussing the religion portrayed in the texts. Drawing on The Iliad, the epic poem by Homer, Malouf focuses on the events of one day and night, in which King Priam of Troy travels to the enemy Greek encampment to plead with the warrior Achilles to release the body of Priam’s son, Hector. Build up the knowledge base first! To learn more, head over to our Ransom Study Guide (which covers themes, characters, and more). Luckily, there are quite a few tips and tricks out there that will help you on the journey to a well-structured essay! Name: Alexander Website: Title: Sample comparative essay vce. It also acts as a driving force within individuals as well as communities, deciding one way or another their actions and ultimately their characters. This document is the prior work of another student and has been made available to plagiarism detection tools. Is this the message of, Marriage lies at the heart of Alfred Hitchcock’s, 'To see you is to love you.' This takes a physical and emotional toll, as shown by Mandela’s collapse in his driveway. Act essay writing examples. It adds to the film's sense of authenticity, the fact that it's based off historical offense. This is a catalyst for a moment of realisation for Priam. Despite heavy resistance from the Queen, he eventually encourages her to surrender old royal protocols and adopt a more modern approach to meet public expectation: to fly the flag at half-mast, hold a public funeral, and publicly grieve for the loss of Princess Diana – all in all, to show the people that the monarchy cares. This archival footage helps viewers understand the distressing omnipresence of the media, and the turn of the public against the paparazzi and media following Diana’s death. Mine was always that I would open my booklet in reading time and find essay topics that I had never considered, and that I would waste time just trying to figure out where to start in tackling my essay. Comparative Essay Structure Vce. Continue to link the texts throughout your analysis, for example, you could compare: Often your second and/or third texts will be a direct response to the first, so you could pick up on how the author rebuts or agrees with the arguments of the first text. In Animal Farm, Napoleon is sly about his intentions and slowly secures his power with clever manipulation and propaganda. Rather, Mrs. Blair's walk is sort of frumpy, it's sort of bouncy, and her arms are sort of flailing around a little bit, and so adds to that sense of new, of change, of difference. To elaborate further on the example using Macbeth and Animal Farm: Avoid simply drawing connections between the texts which are immediately obvious. However, the danger with just discussing themes and characters is that we often fall into the trap of simply paraphrasing the novel, or retelling the story. Comment on the mise-en-scene, camera angles, overview shots, close ups, flashbacks, soundtrack, to name a few. Is the development of technology and social media encouraging narcissism in young adults? So, from the onset with the queen, I think it's important to understand that we don't villainise her, or at least the director doesn't villainise her. ---Joseph Mankiewicz’s 1950s film All About Eve: a satirical jab at the post-war ideal of a traditional nuclear family ---Hannah Kent’s Burial Rites: critiquing the patriarchy of 19th century Iceland. And, as you probably know, the media, the paparazzi, and just the entire culture of representing news during this time is something that will be heavily explored throughout this film. This allowed people to lay the blame not at their own doors, but at that of something beyond them; for the people of Eyam, something which in truth was a chance epidemiologic event could be seen as ‘an opportunity that He offers to very few upon this Earth’. - What is the significance of symbols, themes, characterisation and motifs in relation to the texts as a whole? A poignant opening scene sees Mandela drive along a long dirt road that runs between two playing fields, on one side, young black children shout excitedly as Mandela passes. Once you have thoughtfully considered these questions, you are one step closer to piecing together your essay!‍. So, the bagpipes sort of establish this sense of tradition. Discuss how the opening sequence sets up later themes and events in, 'Of course, they can do the same thing to me, watch me like a bug under glass if they want to.' Our protagonist L.B. In both The Crucible and Year of Wonders, the Christian faith is a central tenet of the lives of all characters, as both texts tell the story of strongly religious communities. Even Somax’s casual storytelling about his daughter-in-law’s griddlecakes is customary, as each time his son would ‘set up the stones’ and her ‘quick and light…flipping’ of the cakes. Is enough action being taken to diminish the sugar industry propaganda to minimise obesity? They sit opposite one another and one shot on Tony Blair, one shot on the queen, and it sort of goes back and forth. That nothing has changed as of yet, and things as sort of going on as they've always had. The film follows President Mandela’s attempt to infuse a deeply divided country with new energy, by supporting the South African rugby team’s victorious 1995 World Cup Campaign. The importance of marriage is also evident in the lives of Jeff’s neighbours; Miss Torso’s 'juggling [of the] wolves', and Miss Lonelyheart’s depression both reflect this idea. Congratulations! The following resources are no longer on the study design; however, you might still pick up a few valuable tips nonetheless: [Video] Invictus and Ransom | Reading and Comparing, [Video] Ransom Literary Devices & Invictus Film Technique Comparison. Quotes at the start of any film, at the start of any book, usually have importance to them and they usually should give you an insight as to what's to come. Tell us and earn free Exchange Credits. Contention: Through a diverse range of film techniques, Hitchcock instils fear and apprehension into the audience of Rear Window. I continued to discuss about the relationship between Lydia and Chapel, as they are both characters who defied society’s expectations and ideals. Firstly, it gives us context. The Queen’s resistance against sailing the flag at half mast is out of deference for her elders. The film begins with the image of a deeply divided society in 1990, as Mandela is released from 27 years of incarceration. This structure is the most simple of all, and unfortunately does not offer you ample opportunity to delve into an insightful analysis. He portrays her as a human being, as somebody who is in this position of the queen, which has a lot of weight upon it. The How To Write A Killer Text Response ebook is a great way to learn how to identify the type of essay topic you have in front of you immediately, and start writing an A+ essay. So, that's it, that's my analysis of the first 10 minutes or so of this film. APB wants everyone to be as prepared and possible to stay safe during this very dangerous medical pandemic. At this point in VCE, we should be feeling relatively comfortable with tackling themes and characters in our essays. Caught between the people and the monarchy is Blair, who sees the Royal Family’s public image suffer as a result of inaction. Stay positive and confident that you’re doing the best work you can, and keep these strategies in mind to help yourself out of any sticky situations. The Longest Memory and Black Diggers are studied as part of VCE English's Comparative. “How little we know, I thought, of the people we live amongst.” (, "Here we are, alive, and you and I will have to make it what we can.” (, “It is the essence of power that it accrues to those with the ability to determine the nature of the real.” (, Compare how truths and falsehoods shape the lives and societies in. Just like a theme, a character is used as a vehicle to express opinions on the nature of society and humans in general. I know you’ve probably heard the ‘self-care’ talk many times, so from student to student, let me sum it up for you: For the 1000th time - sleep! So your whole essay should integrate both texts and switch back and forth between them. Understand how you can responsibly use this work by visiting ‘Using Thinkswap resources correctly’. Ransom and … • xx Found helpful Stand out from others with confidence now. For example, a comparative essay using the block method on the French and Russian revolutions would address the French Revolution in the first half of the essay and the Russian Revolution in the second half.

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